
学者:中共腐败 中国巨变为期不远


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China Next on the Revolution List
2011 is the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution. With China's current situation and the revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa, China's future has become a widely discussed topic. Scholars believe corruption in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will bring major change to China very soon.
According to United Daily New, renowned author and scholar, Yuan Hongbing, predicted during a speech at Nation Chengchi University in Taiwan that major political events and structural changes would occur in China between 2013 and 2015.
Yuan emphasized that the communist party has become thoroughly corrupt. Its economic growth is built on the destructive exploitation of natural and human resources. He also pointed out that eco-disasters, like soil contamination and land desertification would be some of China's biggest problems in the next 3 years.
Today, over 300 million workers struggle on daily wages of less than USD1. Most of China's wealth is controlled by 1% of its population, causing acute social conflicts. Yuan believes that such conflicts will lead to a revolution.
Media suspect internal problems in the CCP. La Tribune published an article describing China as “boiling silently” while the rest of the world explodes economically and politically.
The article pointed out China's invisibility in the Euro zone bond buys. China also did not help with the rise of the Japanese Yen. The article said that these are signs of deep crisis in China. 。 Yuan Hongbing thinks the timing has to be right for changes to occur in China. On February 28 he said it would be very difficult to start a revolution under the currently incited extreme nationalism.
“Based on my understanding of China, conditions are maturing for a revolution similar to that in the Soviet Union. Social conflicts are on the verge of an outbreak. We are only waiting for the right timing, a spark to set such conflicts on fire.”
袁红冰认为,虽然很难判断那一天发生革命,但他相信很快就会发生。 Yuan believes that a revolution will occur very soon.
NTD reporters Song Feng and Sun Ning 2011-03-30 10:53:00 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2011/03/30/a512159.html.-【禁闻】学者:中共腐败-中国巨变为期不远.html

