NEVER SORRY获得Cinereach项目的资助
AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY从众多竞争者中脱颖而出,成为圣丹斯电影研究所(Sundance Institute)Cinereach资助金计 划的入选者之一。Cinereach项目与圣丹斯电影研究所进行合作,计划在未来三年时间里,向优秀的电影项目(包括纪录片和故事片等)资助150万美 元。这些奖金将直接发放给入选电影。入选标准是:在叙事风格上独特出众,在影片主题上可以“引发世界文化交流并带来重大社会影响”。NEVER SORRY当之无愧地成为了入选的三部记录片之一。
The Cinereach Project to fund NEVER SORRY
AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY is one of the recipients of the Cinereach Project at the Sundance Institute grants. Cinereach has partnered with the Sundance Institute to grant $1.5 million dollars to documentary and feature film projects over the next three years. These funds are directed towards films with a unique storytelling style and that contains themes “that evoke global cultural exchange and social impact.” NEVER SORRY was one of three documentaries selected.
AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY is one of the recipients of the Cinereach Project at the Sundance Institute grants. Cinereach has partnered with the Sundance Institute to grant $1.5 million dollars to documentary and feature film projects over the next three years. These funds are directed towards films with a unique storytelling style and that contains themes “that evoke global cultural exchange and social impact.” NEVER SORRY was one of three documentaries selected.
联合国网络自由会议6月9日在日内瓦举行。大会播放了一段陈爱丽导演对艾未未的采访录像。这段采访节选自 AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY,具体内容之前从未被公布过。 在各国大使、联合国官员以及非政府组织成员面前,来自全世界的活动家以“人类自由的声音:网络与人权”为主题,对网络自由和言论自由进行了现场讨论。
联合国网络自由会议6月9日在日内瓦举行。大会播放了一段陈爱丽导演对艾未未的采访录像。这段采访节选自 AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY,具体内容之前从未被公布过。 在各国大使、联合国官员以及非政府组织成员面前,来自全世界的活动家以“人类自由的声音:网络与人权”为主题,对网络自由和言论自由进行了现场讨论。
Ai Weiwei featured at U.N Conference on Internet freedom
A conference on Internet freedom at the United Nations in Geneva on June 9th included a screening of a never-before-seen Ai Weiwei interview with Alison Klayman, which was taken from AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY footage. Titled "The Human Voice of Freedom: The Internet and Human Rights," activists from all over the world participated in the discussion of the significance of a free Internet and freedom of expression before a live audience of diplomats, U.N officials and NGOs.
The Associated Press covered the event in a widely distributed article which was picked up by many news outlets across the globe.
A conference on Internet freedom at the United Nations in Geneva on June 9th included a screening of a never-before-seen Ai Weiwei interview with Alison Klayman, which was taken from AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY footage. Titled "The Human Voice of Freedom: The Internet and Human Rights," activists from all over the world participated in the discussion of the significance of a free Internet and freedom of expression before a live audience of diplomats, U.N officials and NGOs.
The Associated Press covered the event in a widely distributed article which was picked up by many news outlets across the globe.
哎艾未未 -Ai Ai Weiwei
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