
因言获罪 蒙难“四君子”的历史

【新唐人2011年3月 16日讯】曾受到海内外关注的北京「新青年学会」“四君子”,因为在互联网上发表文章,被中共以「颠覆国家政权罪」判刑8到10年。到今年的3月12号, “四君子”中的最后两名成员也刑满出狱。这四位曾经意气风发、才华横溢的年轻人,是如何蒙冤入狱的呢?让我们把时间倒回到11年前。请看下面这则报导。

这8名青年以 “探索社会改造之道”为宗旨,在北大的校园里讨论中国自由民主、政治改革及农村改革等问题。他们没有在一项政治纲领上达成一致,没有真正的资金来源,没有在其他城市设立分支机搆,也没有发展任何其他成员。
然而,他们的行动还是吸引了中共两大国家安全部门的注意。“新青年学会”其中一名叫李宇宙的成员,记录了学会的活动,而这份报告被送交到中共的最高 层手里,其中包括当时主管国内安全的政治局成员罗干和前中共总书记江泽民。据看过中共内参的高级官员透露,中共高层把对这个案子的调查列为最重要的案件之 一。
新唐人记者 李静 孙宁 综合报导
The Four Gentlemen of Beijing's “New Youth Society” once drew wide attention from China and overseas. For publishing articles on the internet, the CCP sentenced them to 8–10 years in prison for "subversion of state power". .On March 12, 2011, the last two of The Four Gentlemen finished their prison terms. How were the four high-spirited and talented young people sent to jail? Let us go back 11 years.
In the summer of 2000, eight young intellectuals set up an organization called "The New Youth Society” in Beijing University. Some of them just graduated from university, some were still students. None of them was older than 30 years.
These eight young people had a mission to "explore the way of social transformation." They discussed freedom and democracy, political reform and rural reform in China on the campus of Beijing University. They did not have an agreed political agenda, or real funding, or branches in other cities, and they did nor recruit other members.
However, their actions attracted the attention of CCP's two security agencies. Li Yuzhou, one of the eight members, recorded the activities of The New Youth Society. The report was delivered to CCP's highest level officials, including head of internal security and former Politburo member, Luo Gan, and CCP's General Secretary, Jiang Zemin. It was revealed by high-level officials who had access to internal information that CCP high-level officials regarded this investigation as one of the most important cases.
On March 13, 2001, Ministry of State Security agents detained five members of the society. In May 2003, Xu Wei and Jin Haike were sentenced to 10 years, Yang Zili and Zhang Honghai were sentenced to 8 years in prison. This was the famous incident known as “The Four Beijing Gentlemen”.
Liu Nianchun, a dissident living in America, told Radio Free Asia that these four men are innocent.
Liu Nianchuan: "(They) were just interested in politics, and hoped China would take on a healthy and peaceful path. They often got together to discuss and express opinions. (However) they were sentenced to 8–10 years. This is so wrong. They also published articles online. The articles are quite modest, not intense. But they were given heavy sentences.”
The informant, Li Yuzhou, who caused the arrest of The Four Gentlemen, regretted what he did. In a few months he revealed the case to the outside world. He is in exile, living overseas.
On April 23, 2004, U.S. Washington Post published a long report, introducing the process from establishment to suppression of the so-called 『reactionary organization'.
The report pointed out, that the society's experience provides an opportunity to the outside world to peek at how CCP uses various means to maintain monopoly on its power, and the difficulties people face on moral choices under the rule of this regime.
The report also pointed out the basic principle of the survival of CCP regime: Any independent organization, regarded to have potential threat, will be suppressed.
Professor Li Xiaobing of University of Central Oklahoma, director of Institute of Western Pacific: "Regarding political problems, CCP is rather strict than merciful. Different opinions about the government, the ruling party, or organizations of party activities are still under very strict control, such as arresting, sentencing, and a variety of means. Things have not changed much compared with the past."
Two years ago, when Zhang Honghai, one of The Four Gentlemen, was released from prison, mainland independent writer, Zan AiZong, wrote this: “History is calculated by time. The record of history will not be lost for a bit. They are innocent. Jail is not their shame, but their crown.”
NTD Reporters Li Jing and Sun Ning 2011-03-16 08:11:17 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2011/03/16/a505567.html.-【禁闻】因言获罪-蒙难“四君子”的历史.html

