
公部门揭黑商 民众揭政府监督不力


广东省消委会公布的消费维权十大案例,分别是:逾期办理房产证案、劣质复合肥致香蕉减产案、快递损坏物件赔偿案、越南黄花梨冒充海南黄花梨案、宣传 失误纠纷案、摩托车自燃纠纷案、小孩遊乐场碰伤案、美容院强行推销案、石材货不对板纠纷案和啤酒瓶自爆案。其中,最经典的案例要属「美容院强行解开女顾客 内衣理疗案」了。
从各省公布的消费维权案例,可以看到中国黑心产品的泛滥程度。据报导,重庆市去年查获商贩销售过期大白兔奶糖、南岸区两间幼稚园买入二百多张未经消毒的黑心棉被。山东青岛则有 商人用臭黄花鱼制成鱼干。
去年6月13号,潮州市也发生了一起令消费者跳脚的纠纷案件,人寿保险的鹤卡会员接到保险公司的简讯通知:凭鹤卡、邀请函或短信参加苏宁潮州奎元店 举办团购活动,可以获得三百元现金劵及多重好礼。接到短信的几百个人来到店里,才知道要购买三千元的东西才能兑现。消费者认为受骗了,差点引起群体事件。
北京王女士(市民):「原来投诉过,后来我就…就是到三‧一五打假日,老百姓为了保护自己的合法权益,因为本来工资就不高,再买个可信的东西,可是 就是假的,你说吧,心里就不舒服!投诉的结果,有时候满意,有时候就不满意。不可能事事都让你满意,你要满意的话,他们就不满意了。」
Unethical Companies Exposed
Right before the World Consumer Rights Day, Guangdong Consumer Rights Commission released the 2010 top ten classic consumer rights cases, concerning real estate ownership certificates, courier services, agricultural products and more. Although some cases finally settled, others escalated into lawsuits. Experts advise people to choose trustworthy businesses.
Guangdong Consumer Rights Commission announced on March 10 its top ten consumer rights cases, including the delayed processing of real estate ownership certificates; poor fertilizer production, reducing banana yield; compensation of property, damaged by courier; the pears' case; the publicity dispute mistakes; the motorcycle self-ignition dispute; children's playground injuries; beauty salons' forceful sales; damaged stoneware; and the beer bottle self-explosion case.
Liu Yujie, staff at Experimental Agricultural Academy: “Especially these cosmetics! Women's faces have become experimenting fields! This is an issue of quality inspection departments. They allow firms to produce, without being inspected. If there is a quality issue, it is consumers' bad luck. I think the problem lies with governmental oversight.”
The consumer rights cases across China reflect that inferior-quality products are rampant. In 2010, there were sales of expired creamy candy, unsterilized quilts and inedible dried fish (yellow croaker).
Jinan-based rights activist, Gong Lei: “The crystal I bought was made with crystal powder. And emeralds, too! Many fake stones are made that way. Many societal aspects are related to the political life. After promising to “serve the people” for decades, isn't the whole thing you said a lie?”
In June 2010, an edgy dispute occurred in Chaozhou City. Some members of a life insurance company were invited to participate in group purchases in a store and receive cash coupons of RMB 300 and other gifts. After a few hundred people came into the store, they were told to make purchases of RMB 3,000 first. Feeling deceived, the shoppers almost started an incident.
Beijing citizen, Ms. Wang: “I initially complained. Now is March 15, “No Fake Goods Day” in China. The people want to protect their legal rights and interests. Their wages are not a lot to begin with. Buying fake goods makes you feel uncomfortable! Your complaints sometimes lead to dissatisfaction. If you are satisfied all the time, they wouldn't be happy.”
According to Voice of America, last month U.S. Trade Representative's office issued a list of "notorious markets", including several Chinese companies. They include internet search engine Baidu and commercial websites like alibaba.com and Taobao.com.
NTD reporters Chang Chun ,Li Ting and Huang Rong 2011-03-16 08:58:47 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2011/03/16/a505593.html.-【禁闻】公部门揭黑商-民众揭政府监督不力.html

