

《法国国际广播电台》报导,北京政府向来秉持「稳定压倒一切」的一贯作法,近年来更是不断打压民间维权力量,连应受保障的经济、社会和文化权利,也 变成了一纸空文。《人权观察》呼吁中国人大,批准北京政府已经签署了十二年,却仍然没有生效的《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,并修订不符合公约的法例。
中国国务院2009年4月公布的《人权计划》,承诺改善市民居住环境、保障农民土地权利、尊重(四川汶川特大地震)遇难者,对地震中遇难和失踪人员 登记造册并予以公布、严禁刑讯逼供、完善被羁押者通信、会见、生活娱乐、离监探亲等规定、公开审理并公开宣判以及保障律师会见、通信、阅卷和调查取证等方 面的权利和人身权、辩护权和辩论权等。
《自由亚洲电台》报导,《人权观察》的菲林.凯恩,在哥伦比亚大学邀请的座谈会中指出,过去两年,中国公民『被失踪'愈演愈烈。 政府派人绑架上访的人,关進黑监狱, 剥夺食物、睡眠,進行酷刑和性侵害。并且越来越多使用社会人员执法,中国到处是穿便衣的打手。
菲林.凯恩说,民主法制在中国只是口号。而美国人权工作者刘青和专栏作家章天亮博士,两人应邀在《自由亚洲》节目中,讨论中国的人权状况。刘青表 示,中共提出的所谓人权报告也好、人权白皮书也好、人权计划也好,实际上都是说和做给国际社会看的。是为了减少国际的批评和压力。
章天亮:「因为民间的这种反抗力度也在不断的加大。如果不能够让步的话,那中共唯一的做法采取更大的力度来压制。我们看到2009年这一年,中共投 入到维稳,维持社会稳定费用的话,接近军费的开支,而且比2008年增加了47%,增加了将近50%。那么这么大规模的增加费用,目地不就是来镇压老百姓 嘛。所以说中国老百姓的人权恶化的现状是不言而喻的。」
Human rights organizations: China's human rights plan is empty talk
According to a recent report by New York based Human Rights Watch, China failed to deliver its National Human Rights Action Plan, and situation has worsened in some aspects. Experts believe the CCP's National Human Rights Action Plan is only for show.
According to FRI,“stability” has always been the No.1 rule of the Chinese government. In recent years, human rights, including social, economical, and cultural rights have all been suppressed in China. Human Rights Watch called for implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which was signed by Chinese government 12 years ago.
The Chinese government unveiled the National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP) in April 2009, promising to improve living conditions of citizens, respect (Wenchuan earthquake) victims, improve detention and prison regulations, as well as prosecution and litigation process.
According to RFA, Phelim Kine from Human Rights Watch said during a seminar at Columbia University: “In the past two years, there are more and more cases of Chinese citizens disappearing. The government abducts the petitioners, puts them in black jails, and deprives them of food and sleep. There is also physical and sexual abuse. Law enforcement is outsourced and China has become a land of plain-clothed thugs.”
Phelim Kine believes that democratic and law is nothing but empty talk in China. Human rights activist Liu Qing and columnist Dr. Zhang Tianliang said to RFA, all CCP's so-called human rights plans are only for show in the international society; they are made up to reduce international criticism and pressure.
Liu Qing: “Forced demolition and land seizure violates the basic human right of shelter. The CCP claims the right of survival is the primary human right, but it is depriving people of such right.”
Dr. Zhang Tianliang also believes that the CCP is using the NHRAP to stall. Now it's time for people to realize the human rights situation is worsening in China.
Dr. Zhang: “The civil resistance is getting stronger. If the CCP does not comply, its only choice is to suppress harder. We can see that in 2009, CCP's expenses for maintaining stability increased 47% as compared to 2008, and was almost as much as military expenses. So much money was used to suppress the people. It's quite obvious that the human rights situation is worsening in China.”
Dr. Zhang also remarks that if he were to write a human rights plan, it would only include 3 items: first, open up the Internet for free flow of information; second, release political detainees; third, enforce freedom of assembly and protest. He says the human rights situation can be improved overnight. The so-called 2-year plan is just stalling.
NTD reporters Li Ting and Zhou Xinyi 2011-02-22 10:46:57 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2011/02/22/a495765.html.-【禁闻】人权团体:中国人权计划纸上谈兵.html

