
中共造九路冤魂 冤二代要翻案


清明节期间,为了防止民众「翻冤案」,中共当局对政治异见和各类维权人士的打压变本加厉。民间学者朱建国在香港《动向》杂志发文指出,中共在过去几 十年来,制造无数寃案,毛泽东制造了「镇反、肃反」寃魂、「反右」寃魂、「大跃進」寃魂、「四清」寃魂、「文革」寃魂;邓小平制造了「六四」寃魂;江泽民 制造了「法轮功」冤魂,胡锦涛制造了「上访」冤魂,这「九路冤魂」合计将近上亿人。

朱建国认为,中共代代造寃,连许多体制内的「寃二代”也觉醒,准备借清明和今年中共建党90周年「鸣寃」。例如,一向谨小慎微的中共前主席华国锋的 家人、前总书记胡耀邦的儿子,都加入「鸣寃翻案大潮」,多年按兵不动的“林彪反党集团”成员的后人子女,也纷纷在海外出版父辈回忆录或传记。他们认为,今 年是「寃二代」为父辈鸣寃、向中共讨说法的重要时机。




香港《苹果日报》举例说,著名文学家、《红楼梦》专家俞平伯,他在文革期间遭毛泽东亲自发动“大批判”批倒批臭,死后葬福田公墓;国防部前副部长、 中国“装甲兵之父”的许光达大将,文革期间受迫害,去世后不能入葬八宝山,也落葬福田公墓。而两年前不甘公安欺凌,持利刃闯上海闸北公安分局,刺死多名警 官的北京男子杨佳,被执行枪毙后也葬在这里。


新唐人记者宋风、肖宇综合报导。 =====

CCP's "Nine Types of Innocent People"
Before and after the Chinese Communist Part (CCP) took power, it fabricated many unjust cases against innocent people. Scholars concluded that the CCP created "nine types of innocent people" in the past few decades. Now even former high-ranking officials descendents also seek a reinstatement from the CCP.
Around Tomb Sweeping Day, in order to avoid any redress to injustice, CCP suppressed political dissidents and human rights activists more severely. Zhu Jianguo, a folk scholar, published an article in Hong Kong's Trend magazine, saying that over the past few decades, CCP manufactured numerous cases of injustice; Mao Zedong created "suppression of counter revolutionaries" innocent people, "elimination of counter revolutionaries" innocent people, "anti-rightist" innocent people, "Great Leap Forward" innocent people, "cleaning politics, economics, organization, and ideology" innocent people, and "Cultural Revolution" innocent people. Deng Xiaoping created the "June 4th" innocent people; Jiang created the "Falun Gong" innocent people, Hu created the "petition" innocent people, so the "nine types of innocent people" totaled nearly 0.1 billion.
Zhu Jianguo said that the CCP created injustice from one generation to the next, and many "second generation of injustice" within the system have awakened too, preparing to redress injustice during Tomb Sweeping Day and the 90th anniversary of the CCP. For example, family members of former chairman of the CCP, Hua Guofeng, and former General Secretary Hu Yaobang's son, have joined the "overturn tide". On hold for many years, descendants of "Lin Biao anti-Party group" members have also published overseas memoirs or biographies of their parents. They believe this year is an important opportunity for the "second generation of injustice" to redress their injustice against the CCP.
Fukuda Cemetery in Beijing has become pervasive due to Tomb Sweeping Day. According to Radio France Internationale reports on April 5, "sina" microblog posted a photo of flowers at Jiang Qiang's grave, noting the presence of her mourning daughter Li Ne and the family. Plainclothes policemen were also watching nearby, "as if afraid of others getting close."
A netizen said, that Jiang Qing was an important Chinese politician and also the widow of Mao. But once Mao died, Jiang Qing was sentenced to imprisonment for the liquidation of opposition in a palace coup, and became a communist enemy. Some also said that during the Cultural Revolution, Jiang Qing was at the summit of her power, causing the death of so many people. She died in prison which may be a fate of retribution.
Indeed quite a few buried in Fukuda Cemetery were once enemies of the CCP, or killed by the CCP.
Hong Kong's Apple Daily reported, that against the famous writer and Hong Lou Meng expert, Mr. Yu Pingbo, was launched a "Great Criticism" by Mao himself, and he too was buried in Fukuda. The former Deputy Minister of Defense, China's Father of Armor, General Xu Guangda, was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution and could not be buried in Babaoshan, but in Fukuda. Two years ago, Yang Jia from Beijing who could not put up with the police' bullying and killed several policemen in Shanghai's police station, was also buried in Fukuda, after being executed..
Commentator Su Ming commented recently, that the CCP owed too many lives and properties. People have already given the CCP enough time and chances, but the communists not only do not appreciate people's tolerance and patience, but aggravate people's sorrow with crackdowns. Mr. Su pointed out that Chinese people's waiting and patience are running thin. If the CCP insists on having it its' way, Chinese people will teach the communists a lesson.
NTD reporters Song Feng and Xiao Yu. 2011-04-08 10:16:49 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2011/04/08/a516137.html.-【禁闻】中共造九路冤魂--冤二代要翻案.html

