



报导指出,2005年中国修订《义务教育法》,加大农村教育投入,2007年「两免一补」全面落实到农村。表面上看起来,农村入学率一直在提升。不 过常年关注乡村教育的社会工作者梁晓燕却发现:有些数字是不统计的,比如文盲率下降,但返盲率很高。入学率达到百分之99,但辍学率也很高。

2007年梁晓燕曾在广西一所乡村小学支教一年,她看到一年级56个孩子,四年级剩31个,到六年级只剩16个。她跟附近五所学校的校长还不熟的时 候,校长们都说他们的辍学率是百分之三。后来大家熟了,他们才说出这些小学的辍学率都超过百分之50。但这些从来不会被统计上去。


不过梁晓燕发现:很多学校还没盖好,基层学校就撤了。十几个学校的学生全集中过来,老师不够,教室也不够,一间教室常挤着七、八十个学生。二十四小 时住校,孩子常出现心理问题。第一次去农村志愿支教的大学生常问:这些孩子为什么这么不懂事?这么坏?他们伤心,梁晓燕也很伤心。







60 Million Children Left Behind
In rural China, nearly 60 million children are left behind when their parents migrate to urban areas to find work. According to author Liang Hong: “Villages are empty, houses are torn down and farmland is abandoned. Its normal for children to be split from parents.”
According to Asia Weekly, statistics released by All-China Women's Federation show that in 2009, 58 million children were left-behind, the number must be closer to 60 million today. Children of the 250 million migrant workers were left with grandparents before the age of one, or sent to boarding school at very young ages.
Revision of the Compulsory Education Law in 2005 increased the education budget in rural areas. On the surface school enrollment rate has increased in rural areas; but according to social worker Liang Xiaoyan, the statistics are not comprehensive. For example, although illiteracy rate is lowering, the rate of returning to illiteracy is high; although school enrollment rate reached 99%, school dropout rate remains high.
In 2007, Liang taught in a rural school in Guangxi, where she saw 51 students in the first grade drop to 31 students in the fourth grade, further dropping to 16 in the sixth grade. Principles of the 5 nearby schools claimed that their dropout rate was 3%. Liang later found that rate to be in fact over 50%.
Moreover, in recent years, schools are being merged for resources consolidation purposes. Village schools are closed and boarding schools are opened in townships.
Liang Xiaoyan discovered that village schools were closed before the constructions of boarding schools were finished. There were not enough teachers or classrooms, many students also suffered psychological issues. New teachers now constantly ask why students behave so bad. This situation saddens everyone.
From 1998 to 2007 the number of school-age children in China decreased 24%, while the number of schools decreased by 47%. As a result, many children face difficulties with school enrollments.
According to author Liang Hong, after village schools were closed, the elderly had to take the children to the township 3 times a day. A 2km roundtrip each time.
Many children were left behind before turning one, they lived with grandparents until boarding school. Withdrawn and unsociable, such children contribute to the dramatic increase in adolescent delinquency.
Liang Xiaoyan found that teachers were evaluated based on students' test scores alone. College admission became the push toward education, a very dangerous state according to Liang.
Asia Weekly asks: ”With the college admission rate less than 1%, what will be the future of these left-behind children?”
NTD reporters Zeng Yaoxian and Wang Mingyu 2011-05-10 09:48:35 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2011/05/10/a529826.html.-【禁闻】六千万留守儿童的未来在哪里?.html

