From Wong, Gillian
to Gang Liu
date Thu, May 5, 2011 at 6:43 AM
subject 美联社
刘刚先生您好,我是美联社北京分社的记者黄敬龄 ;英文名是Gillian Wong – 我是新加坡华人。
Gillian Wong
The Associated Press
LG Towers E-2201
Beijing 10022, China
from: Gang Liu
to: Wong, Gillian
date: Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:31 PM
subject: Re: 美联社
Hi Ms. Wong,
Thank you for contacting me regarding the video. I think it would be
better you contact with MojingGe directly. He posted his email in the
Can you please confirm that you are the author of the article about "Hua
Ge"? If you do, I will not be comfortable to speak to you. Please let
you colleagues contact me.
Also, if you really want to know the truth about the Chinese Jasmine Action, please go to my blog and read some of my articles.
Gang Liu
from: Gang Liu
to: Wong, Gillian
date: Fri, May 6, 2011 at 12:07 AM
subjectRe: 美联社
from: Wong, Gillian
to: Gang Liu
date: Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:59 AM
subject: Re: 美联社
Dear Mr. Liu Gang,
Thank you for responding to my email. I appreciate your feedback. I have
forwarded to my bureau chief your request to be interviewed by another
AP reporter. I am now also reading the blog posts you included in your
I would like to respond to your concerns about the report I wrote,
headlined "Voices behind China's protest calls." My report is accurate. I
clearly stated that the main group I wrote about is not the very first
one to start the calls. I also said that they are not the only group
issuing protest calls. The term "发起者 " (initiator) in Chinese reports
you cite has been inaccurately used, but the AP does not have any
control over how our reports are translated by other parties.
Here is the report in English, for your reference: http://apne.ws/kSRZf3
From my story:
"The Associated Press tracked down the student and some of his
colleagues, giving an inside look at one group of campaigners behind the
online petitions, and how they use technology to operate behind the
anonymity of the Internet."
"Calling itself "The Initiators and Organizers of the Chinese Jasmine
Revolution" after a phrase used in the Tunisian uprising, the group is
not the sole source of the protest calls; at least four others have
sprung up."
"The first online calls for a Chinese "Jasmine Revolution" _ a Twitter
post on Feb. 17 and a longer appeal on the U.S.-based Chinese news site
Boxun.com on Feb. 19 _ remain anonymous. Soon after they appeared, Hua
Ge said that he, together with a man in China that he refused to
identify, started the website Molihuaxingdong.blogspot.com."
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Gillian Wong
The Associated Press
from: Gang Liu
to: Wong, Gillian
date: Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:10 AM
subject: Re: 美联社
Thank you for your quick responding. I don't want to argue with anyone
about who is the initiator.
I suggest you take a look at this website:
This is one of our website we used to organize the Chinese Jasmine
revolution. Today, Mojing Ge will give another speech there. Some of the
videos have over 8 millions viewers from China. I believe that something will definitely happen in China.
Gang Liu
from: Gang Liu
to: Wong, Gillian
cc: mojingge
date: Sat, May 7, 2011 at 11:38 AM
subject: Re: 美联社
Hi Gillian,
Thank you for forwarding my email to your chief manager. I hope you can forward this email to your chief manager.
You claimed that your report was "accurate". OK, that is fine. If you
still believe your report is an accurate news report, I can give you
more tips for such kind big news. The following two links show that
there are claims that it was the Chinese government who helped to kill
Bin Laden.
作者: 迷魂阵 "本拉登被击毙,可能揭示了北京和华盛顿达成重大幕后交易" 2011-05-05 16:06:02 [点击:205]
中央在下一盘很大的棋之沙县小吃 zz
转自HI-PDA 作者:里八神
Can you please report such news without any investigation? Your subject
title could be "The black hand behind the death of Bin Laden." You can
also "clearly state that the main group you wrote about is not the very
first one to start the fight against Bin Laden". You can also claim that
the Chinese government is not the only group to kill Bin Laden.
If you write such an news report, do you think you are "accurate"? Can
you please let me know the difference of your report "Voices behind
China's protest calls" and the proposed report "The black hand behind
the death of Bin Laden"? I think the later one would have more evidence
than yours, at least it provided more details that can be verified
further. If you want, I can provide you the contact information of the
author of those articles.
I can also provide you more details about how Wang Juntao created such kind faked news in the past 20 years.
In 1976, there is a famous poem during the "4-5" tiananmen
demonstration. "欲悲闹鬼叫,我哭豺狼笑。洒泪祭雄杰,扬眉剑出鞘。"Wang Juntao used to let his
friend to spread that he was the author of that poem. That made him be
the hero of the "4-5" tiananmen demonstration. I asked Wang Juntao many
times about whether he is the author or not. Wang Juntao would never say
Yes or No. Instead, he explained that he was not the first one who
claimed to be the author of that poem.
When we were both in Prison, Wang Juntao's wife Hou Xiaotian tried to
hire an attorney, Wang Yaoting, to replace my original attorney. It
turned out that Wang Yaoting took the advantage of accessing my profile
to defend for Wang Juntao. Wang Yaoting told the judge and police that I
was the one who asked Wang Juntao to join Tiananmen Demonstration,
while Wang Juntao's team had no interests to do anything against the
Chinese Communist. Their group was only interested in Research. It was
Gang Liu who had Wang Juntao's team involved in the Tiananmen
Demonstration. At the same time, Wang Juntao's friends told the media
that Wang Juntao was the "black hand of the Tiananmen Demonstration."
It was I who started the Democratic Salon in Peking University, and
started the "北京高校学生自治联合会". It was initiated at my home on April 23,
1989. Wang Juntao clearly knew that he couldn't claim all of these as
his credits. However, he keeps telling people that Liu Gang was a member
of his group. He used to claim whatever I did as part of his plan. That
is really disgusting. He did such claim to NED with my present! Every
time I gave speech, Wang Juntao would tell the audience that "I placed
Liu Gang in the school to organize the student movement." If you don't
believe what I said here, you can check with Harry Wu. Harry Wu heard
all of such kind claims when we met Congresswoman Nancy Peloci.
Now, Wang Juntao is trying to do the same tricks. Starting from
1/1/2011, I spoke to Wang Juntao several times about the initiating the
Jasmine Revolution movement in China. Wang Juntao refused and criticse
it as a big "Joke". After the first Jasmine gathering in China on
2/20/2011, Wang Juntao immediately claimed he was the initiator and
organizer. Most of the Chinese dissidents in the USA don't buy it. Now,
after your AP report released, most Chinese believe that "Huage" is the
Hero like Wael Ghonim in China, and Wang Juntao is the black hand hero
Look at the open letter issued by Wang Juntao along with other 13 famous
dissidents in 1998, in which they criticize Wang Bingzhang who was
arrested by the Chinese government. They published that letter on World
Journal through paid advertise. They paid money to create news!
If you go online chatting rooms in YY, you can find that Mojingge is
giving speeches to many Chinese youth. His chatting room was shut down
by the Chinese Police again and again. His audiences were thretened by
the Police again and again. He is organizing the online demonstration to
free Ai Weiwei, Liu Xiaobo, Wang Bingzhang, Li Zhuang, Gao Zhisheng,
etc. However, New York Times claimed "Hua Ge" and Wang Juntao's voice is
the strongest in China. That is just because of your AP report.
Wang Juntao post some videos created by mojinge on Wang Juntao's
website. My friend told me that Wang Juntao even claimed MojingGe is a
member of his team. I believe that Wang Juntao already provided all
these videos to NED to ask for more funds.
Now, you helped Wang Juntao to do such kind trick. And you still claim it is accurate!
Hope you can think about it.
Gang Liu
from: Gang Liu
to: Wong, Gillian
date: Sat, May 7, 2011 at 12:01 PM
subject: Re: 美联社
Mojingge's website was shut down again. However, they moved to other YY chatting rooms to continue their online demonstration.
Hua Ge and Wang Juntao would claim that they initiated and organized all
these online demonstrations, if they had known the details about it.
Now, we have to post our Jasmine related notice quitely, to avoid Wang
Juntao's claim. I hope you would not wrote any AP report to claim Hua Ge
and Wang Juntao are behind the voices of Mojing Ge.
Gang Liu
from: Wong, Gillian
to: Gang Liu
date: Sat, May 7, 2011 at 11:09 PM
subject: RE: 美联社
Dear Mr. Liu,
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it to my bureau chief as well.
Best regards,
from: Gang Liu
to: Wong, Gillian
date: Mon, May 9, 2011 at 1:04 AM
subject: Re: 美联社
I will post our emails in my blogs, especially the mail you claimed your
report was "accurate". Let other people say whether your report is
accurate or not. I hope you don't mind it.
Wang Juntao posted most of mojingge's videos on his website
"茉莉花发起者网站",and he used to claim that "please add this website as the
source whenever you transpose this video." He tried to misled people
that he was behind Mojingge's videos. After mojinge released the video
about Huage and Wang Juntao, Wang Juntao was starting to criticize
Mojingge, and claim mojingge's video is initiating violent and
terrorism. Wang Juntao used to do the same thing to Wang Bingzhang and
Gao Zhisheng. He and other 13 people released an open letter on World
Journal to criticise Wang Bingzhang while Wang Bingzhang was arrested by
the Chinese Government in 1988. They even paid the World Journal for
their open letter. Wang Juntao had never stopped to claim that he was
behind me, and whatever I did was part of his plan, until I openly asked
him to apology to Wang Bingzhang.
After you published your report about "HuaGe", most of Chinese believe
that HuaGe and Wang Juntao are the initiator and organizer of the
Chinese Jasmine action, and that made them to have the power to crticse
others and to put others into the Chinese prison, just like what Wang
Juntao has done to Wang Bingzhang. That is the real impact of your
report. We will continue to tell the truth about what Wang Juntao has
done to Wang Bingzhang and to the Jasmine Revolution. I don't mind who
is the first one who initiated the Chinese Jasmine Action. But I have
zero tolerance about the faked the news and cheating.
Gang Liu
from: Wong, Gillian
to: Gang Liu
date: Mon, May 9, 2011 at 1:15 AM
subject: RE: 美联社
Dear Liu Gang,
I would rather you not post my emails on your blog. But if you choose to
do so, please remove my personal contact details from it for privacy's
Gillian Wong
革命发起者 http://molihuaxingdong.blogspot.com]